18 Words Speaking
During 2024, I been thinking of other ways that poetry and colors can evoke experiences in a limited structure. I decided on having a limitation of 18 words poems to start and see how the visualizations and patterns that arises from these combinations.
Inspired from the ColorScape Universe, DipInCode and the following mini projects to Design and Visualize "18 Words Speaking":
The Visualization Follows the Following Rules :
- Each Word is represented by how many characters are within
- With representation through one of the 26 colors that starts with the same letter as the word
- Different Directions may occur but follow the same visualization rules.
- The direction and placements explores our relationship with not only color and words but also how spacing, direction and angles can also affect our we percieve information(in this case words)
Accompanying these representations are also drawings that represents that colors that are within the poems. By using similar rulesets for the 9 words in the poem and the direction they follow.